Jen over at
Quarter Life Crisis has been doing this for a while, but I though it might be entertaining for today. And I'm sure mine won't become a weekly occurrence, but it might be an occasional one. See, it reached a balmy high of 28 degrees here in Anytown, Michigan today. I realize that this is below normal and it is supposed to be back around 40 degrees this weekend, but somehow I just know this is a harbinger of things to come. And, me being the
huge fan of cold weather that I am (please note sarcasm), I get a little distressed by such things. So, in an attempt to make myself feel better about the approaching
eighteen 3-4 months of winter, I bring you:
Top Five Suckiest Jobs to Have in the Winter5. Postal carrier a.k.a. Mailman: I am referring particularly to the on-foot style of postal carrier, but I suppose that driving around for hours with your window down isn't exactly a big barrel of fun either.
4. Newspaper delivery boy: Ranks as a suckier job because the teenager who delivers the paper is typically entirely on foot, whereas the postal carrier at least has a vehicle to return to periodically.
3. Utility workers: Those poor guys (and gals, I suppose) who have to climb the utility poles and play with wires so that we all retain the comforts of home, such as cable TV, Internet, and electricity.
2. The kid who has to claim the shopping carts from the grocery store parking lot: not only does he/she have to be out in the cold, but also has to deal with the
morons people who drive like idiots across the parking spaces. Then he/she has to haul the carts through the slush into the store where someone will inevitably make a wisecrack about making a mess on the floor.
1. Billboard workers: The inspiration for this post. As I drove home from work today I spotted two men putting up a new billboard along I-75 and thought, "That job's gotta suck on a day like this." But hey, the wheels of commerce must continue to turn.
In other news: I'm not procrastinating. No, I'm not. Okay, yes I am. My final draft of my research proposal is due Saturday and it has a few
gigantic little holes waiting for me to fill them in. I know it will get done and I even worked on it some last night, but I would rather not be staying up all night Friday finishing what should already be done. Plus, there's the daily dose of work for my actual paying job to do. Tonight's assignment: type up notes from a section of the textbook. And, seeing as I've commandeered a little used data projector from the library and have decided to see how long I can keep it before they remember I have it, I'm hoping to put said notes into PowerPoint slides for delivery tomorrow. Wish me luck!