The List--The Daddy-Do Edition
But the after scene is a thing of beauty...
Oooooh, shiny.
Project #3 & 4--Kitchen Faucet and Garbage Disposal
Can you believe I've lived in my house for over three years now with no garbage disposal? Not a pressing matter, but inconvenient just the same. And the kitchen faucet has been leaky since day one... kind of annoying. I told Dad the faucet was something I'd like done, but I'd wait to see if he had time to do it during this round. He told me that, if I wanted a new faucet, it needed to happen before he put the disposal in. Good point, Dad. Of course, what I really want is new cabinets and such for my kitchen, but, unless my work pool won the $325 million lottery the other night, I don't see it happening.And after:
Once all was sealed with the faucet, it was time for the disposal to be installed and wired in. Before:
And after:
After seeing the deplorable condition under the sink, I decided that new contact paper was sorely needed. Apparently, there was a leaking problem that was allowed to sit at some point in the past. Add metal cabinets to this situation and that means a whole lot of rust.
Mom and Dad had driven up on Thursday afternoon and Dad was done with the door before I even got home from work! Then we made our shopping list and went out to dinner to celebrate Mom's birthday. After dinner Lowe's was our destination as I had another 10% off coupon. Dad spent a little time looking at John Deere lawnmowers as he is in the market for a new one. Then it was home to relax and eventually to bed.
We got up Friday morning and went to McDonalds for breakfast, then back to the house to start working. Dad and I made our first trip to the local hardware store about 10:00 a.m. The guy working there was very helpful and Dad had to share that he had everything we needed at home, but he was working 100 miles away. Once we told him what our projects were he told us we'd make at least three trips to the store that day. And he was right!
Mom and Dad had originally planned on heading home Friday, but when dinner time came and things were still not done, I hoped I'd be able to talk them into staying another night. My dad isn't as young as he once was and I knew he would be exhausted. Luckily, Dad had made up his mind by about 7:00 that they should stay another night. It was a good thing because it was about 9:00 p.m. before the last of the wiring for the disposal was done.
Though school is starting, I still have a few more items left on the list that I hope I will accomplish before winter arrives. I know that not everything will get done, but at least I've made a bigger dent this year than last... which was... none.
Labels: My House and Toys, The List--2007 Edition
Wow, it looks great. I'm very impressed. That will be my goal for 2008 when things at WSU are finished and the new job shock is over. Good luck tomorrow!!
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