Saturday, July 15, 2006

Yeah, He's THAT Friend

A few weeks ago, Pigs wrote about having a friend who is notorious for making plans and then breaking them. I commented that I, too, have that friend. Here is that friend's latest transgression.

Richard called me on Monday. Yeah, same guy. I don't know why I'm friends with him, I really don't. Anyway, he was calling me from South Carolina, where he just helped his brother move to from Colorado. We mainly discussed his trip, but he also mentioned that he intended to kick out his girlfriend as soon as he got home. Sure you are, I ridiculed. No, no, I mean it! he argued. I'll believe it when I see it, was my reply.

Before the conversation ended, Richard also invited me up to his family's cabin near Traverse City this weekend. Now, I may be the only native Michigander who has never been to Traverse City, so I told him I would like to go, but I would have to find a dog-sitter for Copper. He said he'd call me when he got back into town on Wednesday and we'd discuss the details.

I hung up the phone thinking... I'm not going to hear from him again this week.

And I was right. Good thing I didn't arrange to ship my baby off to a kennel for the weekend. She's going to be traumatized enough next week when I leave her with Mom and Dad for four days while I go to Connecticut. But I digress.

It's kind of gotten to the point where I wonder what goes through Richard's mind when he makes plans with me. Does he do it because it seems like a good idea at the time, but when he looks at it later he thinks, Nah, I don't want to do anything with her, so I'll just pretend it didn't happen and hope she'll forget? Because he has flaked out on plans so many time over the years that it's starting to look like it. And I actually expect it. It seems we only get together to do stuff by chance. Planning ahead would be too much work, I guess.

As for this weekend, I'm guessing that he didn't actually have the balls to kick his girlfriend out, so that kind of put the kibosh on his taking another woman somewhere for the weekend, even if we are just friends (not that he doesn't keep trying, but he will not be successful). It really doesn't matter. It's just annoying to have that friend that you know will never follow through.

So that's my story. It really doesn't matter because I know I'll stay friends with him. It's not a very high maintenance friendship, and it's one of the few local ones I have now that Heather has moved to the East Coast. Plus, I kind of feel sorry for him. He's brought it on himself, of course, but I think I'm the only person he actually talks to about a lot of stuff. I've often told him that I'm the only woman who knows him as well as I do and will still speak to him. I say it in jest, but it's really no joke. I guess I just keep hoping that one day he will grow up and not be an ass anymore, but I'm sure I'll be disappointed in that, too.

And, afterall, it's a good thing I didn't go away this weekend because I have far too much grad school work that needs to be done. And what am I doing? Blogging, of course. Oh, alright, I'll get back to work now.


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