Friday, November 14, 2008


This is getting real old, real fast.

For the third time in the last week, Eddie has escaped from the backyard and was not immediately found and coaxed home. There have been numerous other escapes, but I've always seen him in the neighbor's yard and been able to call him home. The first time was on Thursday afternoon last week when my neighbor let him out while I was at school for conferences. He was found by someone who called the number on his tag and my neighbor was able to go get him for me.

He escaped again Friday morning, after I thought I had blocked all the holes under the fence, but this time I was home. I walked around the neighborhood for nearly an hour in my pajamas, calling and searching for him before returning home empty handed. Luckily, he was found again by a good Samaritan who called me and I was able to go pick him up. Somewhere along the way he had found smells that I would have understood if we'd been on Mom and Dad's farm, but I didn't even realize could be found in the city!

I knew the fence was not yet secure, but I haven't had time to see about finding anchors for it. Instead I have simply watched Eddie whenever he has been outside. That's how I've been successful in catching him before he got out of the neighbor's yard. Tonight I made the mistake of taking my eyes off him for just a minute. I thought it would be safe since he had been so good for the last couple of days.

I was wrong.

When I went back outside, I found Copper sniffing around the backyard, but no Eddie. And then I heard him barking from what seemed to be about two to three yards away. By the time I was able to get Copper in the house, pull on shoes and a coat, and grab my phone and Eddie's leash, the barking had stopped. I decided to drive around the neighborhood, then parked for a while and walked, but there was no sign of him.

Until I had given up and was driving back to my house. Then, on our very own street, just a half-dozen houses from our own, I caught sight of some white spots moving around. I stopped the Jeep and began calling and, sure enough, there was my little beagle boy.

Tomorrow that fence gets fixed.



Blogger Unknown said...

I had the same problem with my 2 beagles. They now have GPS collars and i can track their movement on a handheld receiver, which also sounds an alert if they move beyond the virtual boundaries, which i've set to that of my actual fence. Problem solved!

11/22/2008 10:09 PM  

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