I Never Thought I'd Be So Excited About Cat Pee
Sorry for the silence. I'm not sure if anyone out there has been anxiously awaiting an update on Coal, but he is fine. And happy to be home. 

I was able to pick him up Monday afternoon, which was actually ahead of schedule. He is now on a diet of canned cat food and prescription dry food, and we had to revert back to the old-fashioned clay litter box for a while. I have to monitor whether or not he is peeing and the amounts, so the automatic litterbox had to go into storage for the time being.

He looks a little funny with his shaved patches on his leg (from the IV) and his tail (that's where they had to tape his catheter), but I know it will grow back. I also have to give him a pill twice a day for a few more days. Anyone who has ever had to give a cat a pill knows that's not a whole lot of fun. It wasn't bad the first few times because he was also getting a syringe with a tasty pain medication at the same time, but now it's been the pill alone for several days and will continue for a few more.

Copper didn't really seem to miss her brother much, but she was all over him when he got home. I suppose it helped that it was primarily over the weekend when he was gone and I was home all day with her.
He has to go back in on Friday this week to run a follow-up urinalysis, but hopefully that will be the end of the doctor's appointments for a while.
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