Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Miscellaneous Ghouls

Happy Halloween!

Luckily, getting new tires on the Jeep was not the frightening experience I was fearing. Not only did the final cost come in very close to the estimate (despite a price increase since then), but I had them check my brakes and they are good for another 20-25,000 miles. I was a happy camper. I only had them checked because my Jeep has 62,000 miles on it and I know people who have had their brakes fixed twice or more in that time. So, while I will have a sizable Visa bill to pay in December, at least I will not be shelling out for brakes for another year or (hopefully) longer.

There was a historical figure costume contest at work today. I did not participate due to time constraints. I really wanted to but, as I've mentioned, grad school has sapped all my creativity. And even if I had been able to come up with a figure, I had no time to put a costume together. It makes me sad as I usually do dress up for Halloween, but this makes two years that I haven't (again... too busy to get a costume put together). But there were some really excellent costumes. Our hallways were graced today with the likes of Anne Frank, Lizzie Borden, and a couple of Jackie Kennedys. Quite entertaining.

Sad to say, I am not handing out candy tonight. I usually do, but it just shows how busy (and broke) I am that I haven't had time to get to the store for candy. If I just had a few trick-or-treaters from my own neighborhood, I would probably make an effort to get some, but since most of them are brought in by the vanload from the city, I don't feel too guilty. Plus, this way I know I'll have a couple of uninterrupted hours to get work done rather than running to the door every couple of minutes and trying to hold on to Copper while I hand out candy.

On a final note, my new distraction must be working (yeah, I took that post off out of fear that it might be found and I would be hugely embarrassed, so if you don't know what I'm talking about, you'll have to deal with it). Even though there doesn't seem to be any remarkable progress on that front, it does take my mind off of B. One day last week I was asked to sub on my conference hour and he came in to that room with a question for the regular teacher.

"You're a funny looking Mrs. N," he quipped.
"I'm just plain funny looking," I quipped back.

Then, today, I was heading back to my room from the office and found him at the end of my hallway.

"We don't have any treats down here. Just tricks," I teased.
"There also seems to be a haunted trail going into your room," he returned, referring to a sign belonging to another teacher.
"That's what they tell me."

All the while he had his typical goofy grin plastered on his face. I used to love that grin, but it didn't make my stomach do flip-flops today. So, even if this new distraction (which I don't have to see every day) turns into nothing, it will be worth it to get me past the old one (which I do have to see every day).

Happy Haunting...


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