Sunday, November 11, 2007

You Know You're a Blogger If...

You wake up on a Sunday morning to find a pile of beagle puke on the other side of the bed and you consider taking a picture of it to post on your blog.

Aren't you glad I reconsidered that photo?

Copper had been acting like she was about to throw up last night (walking around licking everything) so I put her outside, hoping she would take care of it out there. I watched her eat grass for a minute (another sign she was getting ready to throw up) before getting ready for bed. I let her in a few minutes later and thought no more about it until 8:30 this morning.

I can't believe I slept through my dog puking in the bed (under the covers, no less) right next to me.

Here's hoping she's feeling better tonight.



Blogger Melisa Wells said...

ICK. I am amazed that you slept through that as well. When Roxie gets sick, the whole world can hear her heaving (eeew).

Hilarious that you were considering taking a photo...I would have done the same! (considered it, that is!)

11/12/2007 7:18 AM  

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